Lower Klamath River Recreation Sites

GreenWorks is leading the design of four recreation sites on the Lower Klamath River in conjunction with the removal of four hydroelectric dams formerly operated by PacifiCorp. This dam removal project, the largest in the United States, aims to improve the river’s water quality and aquatic habitat while restoring the salmon population. The areas once inundated by the dams will be revegetated using a locally sourced native plant palette as a first step in restoring the riparian habitat.
GreenWorks conducted extensive site research and coordinated with a large group of stakeholders, including Tribes, federal and state agencies, and recreational interest groups, to provide public recreation access to the restored river. The project team has advanced the design of the four recreation sites to 100% construction documents, accounting for the new lower water levels. Site amenities will include trails, boat ramps, picnic areas, restrooms, and parking areas. Existing canopy trees will be preserved for shade. Concrete picnic tables salvaged from other recreation sites will increase wildfire resilience.
Project Team
Key Personnel:
Gill Williams, Principal in Charge
Andrew Holder, Project Manager
KPFF, GRI, Inter-Fluve
Project Details
Location: Klamath County, OR; Siskiyou County, CA
Type: Recreation Sites
Size: 7.2
Status: In Progress
Contract Value: $600K
Owner: Klamath River Renewal Corporation