Metro's Graham Oaks Nature Park, located in Wilsonville, Oregon is loved by neighbors and animal inhabitants alike. GreenWorks always strives to meld built elements and the natural environment together in our designs. A great example of how we've achieved this can be seen in the structures at Graham Oaks Nature Park.

The shelter is a modified prefabricated structure from Western Wood Structures. It was was modified to match the restroom on site as well as incorporate green features like the ecoroof. These multifunctional efforts were developed by a forward thinking team.
- Waterleaf Architecture worked to match colors, roof lines and green features from prefabricated structures from two different manufacturers.
- GreenWorks worked to develop an irrigation and ecoroof plan that would flourish in the sites open condition.
- Metro (as always) pushed the sustainable envelope and was able to support these slight modifications to make the buildings more ‘green’.
The result is seamless, beautiful and functional.
The National Recreation and Park Association recently included the ecoroof in an article entitled 'Green is Gold' in its March 2012 issue.

You can read the full article on the Parks and Recreation Magazine website.