City of Dundee Selects Design for New Wastewater Treatment Plant Nature Park

Located within the city limits of Dundee, OR, the Dundee Parks and Open Space Plan identified a portion of the new wastewater treatment plant site to become a city-owned natural park. About 40 acres in size, this site has a strategic location along the Willamette River, offering potential for public use and recreation. GreenWorks established a park concept plan along the northern and eastern edges of the property while incorporating three zone designations:

Zone 1: Habitat – a zone dedicated to the Western Pond and Western Painted Turtles

Zone 2: Treatment – a zone committed to the development of the new waste water treatment plant

Zone 3: Recreation – a zone designed for public use / recreation

GreenWorks created three concept alternatives that focused on the public recreation zone, while aligning with the goals and objectives of the two adjacent zones: habitat and treatment. Based on the three concept alternatives and supporting precedent imagery, The Park’s Advisory Committee defined a program and established key elements for a preferred alternative. Some of the key elements include: protecting and restoring recognized priority habitats such as wetlands, riparian forest and shrublands, and Western Oregon oak woodland and oak savannah, and establishing a small area in the northwest corner of the site that provides access for passive recreation, a nature-based play area/playground, and the interpretation of environmental, cultural, and historical values associated with the site.

GreenWorks presented the preferred alternative to Dundee City Council. The concept was accepted in July.