GreenWorks Awarded On-Call Civil Engineering Contract


GreenWorks was recently awarded a contract with the Portland Bureau of Environmental Services for On-Call Engineering Services. We will provide BES services for work under Category 4: Drainage, Water Quality and Habitat Enhancement.  GreenWorks is dedicated to developing innovative and sustainable solutions for the management of stormwater and the restoration of our natural systems, and our history of working with engineers and BES gives us a solid foundation on which to provide services for Category 4 work.

This is a unique situation to lead this effort as landscape architects; engineers typically lead the contract. We are excited about our lead role in the upcoming projects regarding drainage, water quality and habitat enhancements.


Our full team includes the following specialists for the Category 4 projects:

GreenWorks - Project Managers | Landscape Architecture

KPFF Civil Engineers

ESA - Environmental Science and Planning

Salmon River Engineering, LLC

Habitat Concepts - Restoration Specialist

Geotechnics, LLC