Mike Faha Wins National Award for Sustainability
/Mike Faha has been awarded the American Public Works Association (APWA) 2016 Sustainability Practices Award for an Individual. The award recognizes individuals that have made outstanding contributions to promote sustainability in public works. Mike will accept the award at the APWA National conference in Minneapolis. This isn’t the first time Mike has been celebrated for his contributions as an individual to sustainable infrastructure. In 2015, he received the APWA Oregon Chapter’s Sustainability Practices Award for an individual. With over 30 years of projects and a career dedicated to creating livable, sustainable communities that balance economic, ecological, and social needs, these awards are particularly meaningful to Mike.
Pictured here, Bob Patterson, Public Works Director from the City of Pendleton with Mike Faha at the APWA Awards in Minneapolis August 29, 2016. Bob was named one of the top ten public works directors in the U.S.