Park(ing) Day 2019: Our Pop-up Park at Couch and 2nd

Park(ing) Day 2019: Our Pop-up Park at Couch and 2nd

We really enjoyed turning our local parking spot into a tiny park for #PBOTparkingday today. What is Park(ing) day?

PARK(ing) Day happens across the world in September and gives people the opportunity to re-envision how we use our public spaces. The City of Portland has been participating in this international event since 2006. - Portland Bureau of Transportation

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The Volunteers of GreenWorks

The Volunteers of GreenWorks

Every Monday morning at GreenWorks we have a meeting to kick off the week. A portion of this meeting is dedicated to ‘sharing’ which can include anything from photos people have taken while on vacation, family and personal updates, images of projects through the phases of design and construction, events and conferences attended, or stories of how people spend their time volunteering. This last part is something special at GreenWorks; as individuals and as GreenWorks employees, we are dedicated to our communities and the environment in so many unique ways. Here are a few ways people at GreenWorks volunteer their time:

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GreenWorks Helps Visualize a new Vietnam Veterans Memorial at Oregon's Capitol

GreenWorks Helps Visualize a new Vietnam Veterans Memorial at Oregon's Capitol

GreenWorks was honored to assist landscape architect firm Abbaté Designs by using their two-dimensional design drawings to create immersive, 3D visualizations of a proposed Vietnam War Memorial on the Oregon State Capitol grounds. The memorial is a tribute to Vietnam veterans, and a place to remember the hard lessons and the immense costs of that war.

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The Non-designer's Guide to the Landscape Architecture Workplace

The Non-designer's Guide to the Landscape Architecture Workplace

When I applied to be the office coordinator at GreenWorks, I figured I had the upper hand. I’d been around landscape architecture since I was fifteen (my brother’s a landscape architect). After starting at GreenWorks, however, I quickly learned I was not much further along than people who think landscape architecture is the same as landscaping maintenance. I found myself listening to conversations around the office feeling like that scene in Stranger Things where Winona Ryder’s character is trying to decipher messages through holiday lights strung up on her wall.

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GreenWorks is the First Salmon-Safe Accredited Landscape Architecture Firm

GreenWorks is the First Salmon-Safe Accredited Landscape Architecture Firm

We’re excited to announce that because of our commitment to reducing watershed impacts, healthy-streams advocate Salmon-Safe has recognized GreenWorks with Salmon-Safe accreditation—and we’re the first landscape architecture firm anywhere to do it!

The Portland-based nonprofit Salmon-Safe works with public and private landowners to promote onsite stormwater treatment, water conservation, habitat restoration, and protection of water quality. Firms like GreenWorks are Salmon-Safe accredited for extensive efforts to halt runoff from entering streams and impacting imperiled salmon through integrated stormwater management.

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GreenWorks and the new Light Rail Route to SW Portland

GreenWorks and the new Light Rail Route to SW Portland

You’ve probably heard planners are considering a new Trimet MAX line to Southwest Portland. The new line, right now known as the Southwest Corridor (SWC) Plan, is in the planning stage. There’s no sure bet the line will happen, as there are many hurdles it’ll need to clear before the project can be completed, but there are lots of people working hard on the design in hopes it will go to construction. GreenWorks Senior Project Manager Jennifer D’Avanzo, as part of the Urban Design Team, has been involved with the project since mid-last year.

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