Rockwood/E 188th Avenue MAX Station is Under Construction
/Construction of the redesigned 23-year old Rockwood/E 188th Avenue MAX Station on Tri-Met’s original MAX Blue Line serving the Rockwood Neighborhood of Gresham is under construction and rapidly moving towards completion, which is set to open March 2011. The existing eastbound MAX station alignment is moving to the west of E 188th Avenue directly adjacent to the existing westbound platform. This project will specifically improve pedestrian safety and the experience of users while also creating a unique MAX station that will enhance the identity of the Rockwood neighborhood. New station elements include: MAX shelters with transparent windscreens, ticket vending machines and platform furnishings, improved lighting and security cameras, treatment of stormwater from the station in vegetated stormwater facilities, surrounding station landscape planting and most prominently two large public art features located at each of the station entrances. This project is being coordinated with the Gresham Redevelopment Commission’s Rockwood in Motion infrastructure improvement projects in the Rockwood triangle area.