New Public Art Dedicated at the Center for the Arts Plaza
/A special dedication event was held on Saturday October 23rd to dedicate four new pieces of public art recently installed at the Gresham Center for the Arts Plaza. The works of art, collectively named FineTunedTulle by Seattle based artist Claudia Fitch, was commissioned by the Center for the Arts Foundation and was made possible by private donations to the Foundation. The event featured a number of different presentations and activities centered on art work's theme, which is representative of the different art forms. There was a dance performance by young aspiring ballerinas, reading of poetry, performance by the Portland Brass Quartet, an ‘Instrument Petting Zoo’ and arts and crafts tables for interactive kid activities. The quartet of forms, which range in height from 18 to 27 feet in height, serve as colorful beacons at the plaza’s door step. Construction of the plaza, designed by GreenWorks, was completed in June of 2009 and serves as the City of Gresham’s living room, where many public events and performances have already been held. The plaza is the first step in realizing a vision for an arts district in downtown Gresham that will be centered on the plaza.